International Training Management

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This page provides international training managers at all levels of management within the DoD environment access to: articles, messages, references, publications, training lessons/exercises, website information, IMSO and SCO documents and other valuable tools used by Security Cooperation training managers.

Cancelation of temporary reduction of DLIELC Min ECL Entry from 55 to 50 (13 Jun 24)

  • Go to: Messages > scroll to Defense Language Institute section > Cancelation of temporary reduction of DLIELC Min ECL Entry from 55 to 50 (13 Jun 24)
  • Posted on: 6/24/2024

Updated Navy IMSO Program Guide

  • Go to: International Military Student Officer (IMSO) > Navy IMSO > Navy IMSO Program Guide
  • Posted on: 6/11/2024

Added 332 TSOI 16-1051, English Instruction, Curriculum and Testing Systems dated 20 Dec 23

  • Go to: Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) > Instruction 16-1051, English Instruction, Curriculum, and Testing Systems
  • Posted on: 6/3/2024

2024 Calendar Year IMS Holidays, updated to include dates for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha

  • Go to: Messages > Scroll to Holidays section > CY24 Holidays for IMS
  • Posted on: 4/1/2024

Updated ECL Test Validation Period Extension Policy (from 105 to 180 days)

  • Go to: Messages > Defense Language Institute section > Temporary Extension of ECL Test Score Validity from 105 to 180 days, until 31 Dec 2024 (6 Dec 2023)
  • Posted on: 1/10/2024

FY24 Air Force Cancellation Policy Message

  • Go to: Messages > Cancellation Penalties section > FY24 Air Force Cancellation Charge Policy
  • Posted on: 12/18/2023

Calendar Year 2024 IMS Holidays

  • Go to: Messages > Holidays section > CY24 Holidays for IMS
  • Posted on: 12/14/2023

FY24 Army Cancellation Policy Message

  • Go to: Messages > Cancellation Penalties section > FY24 Army Cancellation Charge Policy
  • Posted on: 11/21/2023

Updated Army IMSO Handbook, Version 1.4.5

  • Go to: International Military Student Officer (IMSO) section below > Scroll to the Army section > Army IMSO Handbook
  • Posted on: 11/20/2023

IMS Pre-departure Briefing — Optional "generic" international military student (IMS) pre-departure briefing that can be viewed by the IMS. (No registration, username or password required.)

You can also refer to the Security Cooperations Programs Handbook to find authorities and programs that may provide training,

  • For Training Program Manager POC Information see COCOM Training Mgrs on the SAN under the Training Menu.
  • For deailed SCETWG Information, see SCETWG Msgs on the SAN under the Training Menu.



SCETWG 14-19 April 2024


AFRICOM OSC Inspection Checklist: To request a copy please send an e-mail to




SCETWG 18-21 March 2024
EUCOM seal



SCETWG 8-12 April 2024



SCETWG 4-8 March 2024



SCETWG 26 Feb – 1 Mar 2024



SCETWG 4-8 Mar 2024

Policy Messages

NOTE: The following four documents:

  • DLIELC 1025.7, Planning & Programming SC English Language Training
  • DLIELC 1025.9, Management of the DLIELC Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Program
  • DLIELC 1025.15, English Comprehension Level (ECL) Test Guidelines
  • DLIELC 1025.30, English Language Training for International Military Students

...have been replaced and updated with the following combined document, available here locally because it is not on a website that all MilDeps can view:

Instruction 16-1051, English Instruction, Curriculum, and Testing Systems




International Training Management (ITM)

Field Studies Program

What is the U.S. Field Studies Program (FSP)?
In accordance with DoD Instruction 5410.17, United States Field Studies Program (FSP) for International Military and Civilian Students and Military-Sponsored Visitors, commanders of DoD and MILDEP installations are responsible for establishing, operating, and administering a program for international military and civilian students attending security cooperation sponsored training at their installations. This program is designed to complement formal training and provide students a balanced understanding of U.S. institutions, goals, and ideals, and to increase their awareness of how these reflect the U.S. commitment to the basic principles of internationally recognized human rights.

Are their funds available to for the Field Studies Program (FSP)?
Yes. Costs for conducting this program are generated by the tuition rate charges for all programs that fund international training. But, funds supporting the FSP shall not be expended to pay for alcoholic beverages or entertainment expenses for activities that are substantially of a recreational character.

What is the relationship of the former DoD Informational Program (DoDIP) to the new U.S. Field Studies Program (FSP)?
With the publishing of DoD Instruction 5410.17 and update to the SAMM, the FSP replaces the former DoDIP.

What does the Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) say about the FSP?
See SAMM, Chapter 10.18

Are there implementing instructions for FSP in the Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training (JSCET) regulation?
Yes, see JSCET Chapter 11



Health Insurance for IMS and/or Dependents

As a matter of convenience, the following is a list of private commercial companies who offer one or more health insurance plans that meet or exceed DSCA's minimum healthcare insurance requirements. The inclusion of a company on the below referral list does not constitute an express or implied endorsement by the United States Government. Each of the below links will transfer you to commercial website that is not associated or affiliated with the United States Government.

If an international military student is selecting a specific commercial policy for themselves, the student should not select a commercial policy that excludes coverage of any medical conditions.

MILSVC IMS Medical Insurance Policy Screening Processes

Air Force
  • For the Air Force Medical Insurance Policy Screening Process, please see instructions found in the "MILDEP/MILSVC > Air Force" section of this website.

Reciprocal Health Care Agreements


Human Rights-Related Links




Provided by the AFSAT IMSO Manager on the dates indicated

  • Travel and Living Allowance (TLA) Funding (15 Sep 04)
    • Some IMS TLA is funded by foreign governments. Please verify information on their invitational travel orders (ITOs), i.e., for most IMET students -- US pays; for most FMS students -- their country pays; for FMFP funded FMS cases, US pays; for CTFP funded cases, US pays.
  • Labeling Retainable Instructional Materials (RIM)
    • When sending out Retainable Instructional Materials (RIM) please do NOT address it to "ODC Commander". RIM should have an outer label addressed with the SAO's address and include the IMS's WCN and ITO number (not IMS's name). The IMS's name and a copy of ITO should be inside the box.
  • Student Training Lines on Invitational Travel Orders (ITOs) (16 Aug 04)
    • Do not promise to change ITOs or classes without AFSAT coordinated approval. EXAMPLE: A student is currently at DLI for language training with a follow-on training line to the NCO Academy at Kirtland AFB. Do not change their follow-on training from Kirtland to the Hickam NCO Academy without notifying and receiving approval from AFSAT. Changing locations without approval may cause:
      • Prices charged to country to change (living allowances & tickets)
      • Confusion & frustration to schoolhouses, country, AFSAT, and student
      • The losing school to scramble for an extra student, and the gaining school to bump a student to a later class.
  • Airport Codes (13 Aug 04)
    • The incoming and outgoing SAOs from Jamaica visited SATFA (AFSAT's army counterpart) recently. The outgoing SAO said that one thing that would help SAOs with arrival information would be for IMSOs to state in the IMSO Web Student Arrival/Departure information both the name of the airport at which students should arrive and also the airport code. For example, Ft. Leonard Wood has the statement Students arriving by air should be ticketed to Forney Airfield, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri (Airport code: TBN). Please add the airport code to your administrative information immediately.
  • Training Schoolhouse Instructor Supervisors/Training Managers (19 Jul 04)
    • It's important to have a good working relationship with schoolhouse instructor supervisors and training managers. The instructors have daily contact with IMSs and in most cases are the first to know about academic, personal problems, etc. For training managers, they know if the course changes its prerequisites, length, any vacant slots in previous classes in case needed, etc., all of which can eventually affect IMSs. Brief your instructors and managers so they are aware of the Security Assistance Training Program (SATP) objectives and what IMSO responsibilities are. This should help you in the long run.
  • Duress Words (14 Jun 04)
    • When taking students to public places on a DoDIP event trip, you may want to have a duress word in case there is a situation where a student or an escort finds a need for everyone to report to the bus (or alternate meeting location) due to safety, security, or accountability reasons.





IMS Training

  • Insider Threat Awareness Brief for International Military Students (IMS)
    • Mandatory training for all IMS attending Security Cooperation sponsored training in the U.S.
    • Video to be provided to the IMS by the IMSO
    • Webpage contains:
      • Insider Threat Awareness video for the IMS
      • Facilitation Guide for the IMSO
      • Insider Risk Reporting (Handout/Poster)
      • Transcript of Insider Threat Awareness video in English

Additional Insider Threat Awareness Resources for the IMSO

  • CDSE website
    • Additional Insider Threat resources, job aids and eLearning opportunities from the Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE).

Air Force seal

Air Force
